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When you have no desire to cook |

10 Tips For When You Have No Desire To Cook

Top ten tips for when you have no desire to cook, but need to feed your family!

My husband and I were having a conversation recently about how naive we were about some (aka LOTS) of things back in our college days. Like, how it seemed so easy to eat healthy and workout regularly. We thought that it was no big deal.

Here I am 10 years later with two kids and I’m like ooooooh okay. Not always so easy when your time is pretty much never your own! 

In a perfect world, I really do love to cook. But that world where I have endless free time, no kids glued to my body, and someone else to do my dishes…it’s far from reality. There are days when I am SO tired and worn out that I wish we didn’t have to eat at all because even the idea of washing one pot and wiping down my stovetop is enough to make me call my husband and tell him I’m quitting. But since quitting being mom is not really an option, (and obviously I’m not serious!) I have to find ways to make it work.  (more…)

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