A Real-Life Approach To Feeding Families

Because I promise, kids don’t need perfect nutrition to thrive

Kacie Barnes leaning on kitchen counter

I’m Here To Help You Feed Your Kids. Without Stress or Judgment

I started Mama Knows Nutrition to help you feed your kids without the sides of judgment, food fear, and unrealistic expectations. Because contrary to what the dark side of the internet would have you believe, your worth as a parent does not change based on what they eat today.

We’re on a mission to support moms through the never-ending cycle of meals and snacks! With a realistic approach to nutrition and been-there support for tricky eaters, we lighten your mental load and make feeding your family easier.

We see a world where moms aren’t judging how well they’re doing based on what their kids are eating. Where their worth doesn’t hinge on what’s packed in their lunch box. And where parents know that nutrition doesn’t have to be perfect to be great, so their food fear goes away.

We See, Celebrate & Cheer On Moms

Feeding families is a LOT of work.

The planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning. The pressure. The judgment. The endlessness. The comparison. The shame of asking for help. The dismissive advice from the pediatrician when you do ask for help.

Mama Knows Nutrition speaks to moms because we are moms, so we get it. We want to make the invisible work visible while helping to lighten your load.


If you’re a dad, a grandmama, or a caregiver who knows how hard it is to feed a family—and wants some much-deserved help—know that you are so welcome here.

Meet The Mama Behind Mama Knows

Hey, I’m Kacie, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with a Master of Clinical Nutrition from UT Southwestern. I live in Dallas, TX with my husband and two kids, Teddy and Emilia, who can’t quite understand that making videos for lots of parents on the internet is actually my job! I’m also mom to a previously verrrry picky eater! (Read our picky eating story here.)

Read Kacie’s Story

Nutrition is my thing, so of course, I care what my kids eat! But I started Mama Knows Nutrition because even with thousands of hours of nutrition education and experience under my belt, I am still just a mom trying to do my best for my family, like you. 

We eat chicken fingers, Goldfish crackers, and ice cream. I have a never-ending, massive pile of laundry. And I forget to give my kids a bath half the time. (Wait, does it still count as forgetting when I just don’t feel like doing it?!)

My goal is to make feeding your family easier, make you feel less alone in it, and remind you that you are a great mom! So whether you’re stuck in a food rut, pulling out your hair over the never-ending cycle of meals and snacks, struggling to feed a picky eater who can’t even tolerate the sight of a new food on their plate, facing off with a carb-obsessed toddler each day, or really anything else, Mama Knows is here to help!

Kids Nutrition That Doesn’t Make Work For You


Get over 100 low-prep meal and snack ideas. Plus a list of the exact products I put in my Target cart each week!



Got a picky eater? I did, too. Follow my simple steps to reverse picky eating without mealtime misery.