Throw-together recipes, nutrition shortcuts & better convenience foods to help you survive the never-ending cycle of meals and snacks!
Preparing meals and snacks each day is one of the most demanding parts of parenthood. Planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning up, being a human snack dispenser…some weeks, it just feels like too much.
(When I say ‘some weeks’ I mean 50 out of 52!)
You’d think that putting so much love and effort into feeding your family would guarantee success, right?! Wrong!
I’m pretty sure their little noses smell our food desperation. They’re like…
“Mom tried hard? Hold my juice box! I’m going IN!”
For all that work, you get “thanked” by them taking 2 bites and throwing the rest on the floor.
Or coming home with an untouched lunch.
Or the fun surprise that their favorite meal yesterday will no longer be tolerated as of today.
But you do care about what they eat each day. So alone and unthanked, you venture back to Target and start the cycle over again.
Or at least that’s what you did, until now!
Throw together a simple meal or assemble a relatively balanced place in a matter of minutes.
I teach you to buy the basics and put them together. Just choose the basics your picky eater will eat!
Easily swap in more nutritious versions of the foods your kids love.
I give you photos of the exact products you need, to save you time and brain space!
No more guessing, buying the wrong stuff, or reading tons of nutrition labels!
Get “fast” food every night!
Quick & Filling Meals for Drama-Free Mornings
Low-Prep Lunches For Home, Daycare & School
Easy, Healthy Meals That Literally Take Minutes
Packaged Snacks You Can Grab & Feel Good About
Avoid The Sugar Crash. No Baking Required!
Sign up here to learn more about the guide and how it can benefit your family.
Hey friend, I’m Kacie, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and mom of 2. I’m here to help you feed your family without stress, guilt, or chaos!
I started Mama Knows to help you make cooking, grocery shopping, and kids’ nutrition a little simpler. With shortcuts to healthy, kid-friendly meals that are easy on you, I know this guide will make one of the most demanding parts of parenthood feel a little easier.
When you need a healthy meal on the table fast, a 10-step recipe doesn’t cut it! Get tons of ideas you can quickly prepare. Mix, heat, toss, and serve!
Nothing wrong with pasta and frozen fries! But if they’re staples, why not pick the ones with the most nutrition?
Photos of the exact products I shop for let you easily find better versions of the foods your kids love. No label-reading required!
As easy as Goldfish, but a little more nutritious! Get my complete list of healthy packaged snacks you can easily toss to your kids in the back seat.
BONUS! Sweet Treat Cheat Sheet
I’ve also included my Sweet Treat Cheat Sheet… so literally everything you need to feed your family is in one convenient place.
This is primarily meant for children 1+. If you are starting solids, check out my free Simply Solids Guide!
Yes, this is a digital resource! The Meal & Snack Survival Guide was designed to be easily accessed on a computer or mobile device. The guide includes an index that allows you to easily navigate back and forth through the guide.
If you prefer to print the guide, instructions on how to print are included, along with a recommended printing service if you prefer to order a copy from a printer. There is also a print-optimized black and white copy available with your purchase.